01932 240898 deirdre@4cyte.co.uk


Printing on Water


Hydrographics, or printing on water; – We specialise in top quality Hydrographic print finishing

We have 30 years of decorating experience using water borne film, on which bespoke designs can be printed. The potential range of Hydrographic finish is infinite.

This process is also known as hydro-dipping, dip-printing, immersion printing, water transfer printing, aquagraphics, aquaprinting and Cubic Printing.

It is a process whereby parts are prepared and painted with a base coat prior to dipping. A water soluble film, pre-printed with the desired pattern, is prepared and laid on water, allowing the inks to float as the film dissolves while the part is processed. Water surface tension allows the pattern to curve around the part as it is immersed during the dip process. Good adhesion will be achieved between the inks and the base coat, allowing the parts to be cleaned and dried before the application of lacquer. Any sub-strate can be processed in this way, be it plastic, fibreglass, metal, ceramic or wood.

Parts processed by 4Cyte are flying around the world on commercial aircraft, driving about in cars and sailing and motoring on the seas!

Contact 4Cyte for your bespoke quotation